There are a number of ways to touch base with the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you’ll invariably find no matter which company you pick is a trouble ticket system. This is the least complicated medium of communication for a variety of reasons. In the event that no customer care team member is free at the moment and they are all busy, a phone call may not be answered, but a ticket will always be received. Furthermore, you can copy/paste large bits of information without having to worry about typing errors, and in case a certain problem needs more time to be resolved or a number of responses need to be exchanged, all the information will be in the exact same location, so each party can always see the comments written by the other one. The downside of using tickets to get in touch with your web hosting company is that they are often separate from the hosting platform, which suggests that if you have to provide info or to follow directions, you’ll need to use no less than 2 separate admin consoles and this number can grow in case you wish to administer a couple of domains. In addition, lots of hosting companies reply to tickets after a few hours, or even once in every twenty four hours, and for you as a client, this means wasted time whilst waiting around for an answer.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Hosting

The ticketing system that we are using for our shared hosting is not separate from the web hosting account. It’s an integral part of our full-featured Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to access it at any time with just a couple of clicks, without logging out of your account. The ticketing system offers a quick-search box, which will help you trace any ticket that you have sent in the past, in case you need it. Furthermore, you can read knowledge base articles that are relevant to different problem categories, which you can pick, so you can find out how to solve a particular problem even before you actually open a ticket. The ticket response time is no more than sixty minutes, which means that you can get quick assistance at any given time and in case our customer care team advises you to do something within your account, you can do it instantly without needing to log out of the Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

We think that it’s far more efficient to manage everything in a single location, which is the reason why we have incorporated a trouble ticket system into the in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every semi-dedicated server account. This will allow you to handle the correspondence with our customer service team together with your server, so you will not have to memorize one more sign-in name for some other interface. You will be able to send a new ticket or to track down the status of an old one with less than a couple of clicks while you’re browsing the files hosted in your account. Moreover, you can look through older tickets using an intelligent search box or check relevant help articles, which include solutions to commonly faced challenges. The inbuilt trouble ticket system is strictly monitored 24x7x365 with the maximum ticket response time being just one hour, so there will always be someone to assist you.